
How To Make Your Own Driftwood For Aquarium

DIY Driftwood Tutorial by

Living landlocked in the Midwest, I can't stroll on the embankment collecting driftwood.  I wanted driftwood for my beach themed summer mantel, just the cost of purchasing and shipping the real affair was but also much for me.  What else could I do except notice a way to make it myself?  Using my chemistry background, I've developed a uncomplicated process for making faux driftwood from sticks and logs plant in your yard.  Let's get started!


- middle protection and prophylactic gloves
- dry sticks and pocket-size logs
- hammer, other tools that could be used for distressing the wood
- Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (MSDS)
- hot water
- container large enough to concur the forest
- wire brush
- (optional) oven for drying the forest
-  sandpaper or sander power tool

ane.  First collect dry sticks and small logs.  Mine were minor logs from a cedar tree nosotros cutting down last twelvemonth.  A lot of the outer bawl had already peeled off which was a plus.

2.  Now take your hammer and beat upwards your wood.  Be sure you vesture heart protection.  I smashed the ends of the logs to make them look less perfectly cutting.  I likewise used a chisel to split off some of the forest.

DIY Driftwood Tutorial from

3.  Make full your container with hot water.  I just used the hot h2o in our garden hose that was sitting out in the sun.  Put on your safety gloves.  Starting time adding the washing soda while stirring with one of your logs.  Keep adding and stirring until no more will dissolve.  Caution:  The resulting solution is caustic so you practice non want to become it on your skin or in your optics.

4.  Place your wood in the solution and let it soak for 12-24 hours.  I needed a big rock to hold the logs under because they wanted to bladder.

DIY Driftwood Tutorial from

5.  A few times during the soaking period, pull out the logs and apply the wire brush to scrub off the layers of bark which have softened.  Make sure yous are wearing your gloves and eye protection.  I did information technology twice, merely it could take more than or less depending how much bark is on your wood.

6.  When all of the bark has been removed, rinse your logs very well with water.  Now y'all can go out them in the sun to dry out.  As always, I am impatient so I put them in my oven at 250 F for well-nigh an hr.

vii.  Once dry, it'southward time to make your wood await like it has been eroded by the ocean waves.  Employ sandpaper or a sander to round out all the sharp edges.  Completely sand down any small branches that don't await like they would survive a beating in the ocean.

DIY Driftwood Tutorial from

Now become decorate with your faux driftwood!

DIY Driftwood Tutorial from

Are you interested in how this works?

The agile ingredient in the washing soda is sodium carbonate.   When dissolved in water, information technology makes a caustic solution (high pH) that breaks down the lignin in the wood.  Lignin is a component of constitute prison cell walls which gives them force and rigidity.   Breaking down the lignin softens the bawl so it tin can be easily scraped off.  In add-on, the components of the wood that give information technology color are released (y'all may notice that the water becomes cherry brownish), which lightens the surface of the wood.

How To Make Your Own Driftwood For Aquarium,


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